Living in the green forest area can improve the quality of life

Living in the green forest area can improve the quality of life. It is widely known that humans benefit from natural greenery in many ways. Trees and plants are not only an important element for our environment and ecology, but can also contribute to improving the quality of life and overall wellbeing.

Not only do plants purify our air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, they also stabilize the climate and clean up air pollution.  

Tree roots are allies when it comes to heavy rain as they absorb the water and help prevent floods and protect the cities prone to flooding. Not to mention that forests and trees also supply fruits, nuts and seeds. Forest plants, herbs and berries are considered the modern times’ superfoods, which can boost the immunity, fight various deceases and generally increase energy levels.

Greenery improves our health, contributes to our well-being and provides us with many resources. Due to an increase in human activity, major fires, land development and climate change, these benefits are being jeopardized every day. 

Forests around the world are under threat from deforestation and we are slowly seeing the decline in tree growth and forest productivity. You can help preserve the greenery in our environment by planting a tree or joining a movement like GreenCyprusCom. It’s time we all helped our planet, and ourselves!